Issa-no-Komichi is a path named after the renowned haiku poet, Issa Kobayashi (1763-1868), formerly known as Nobuyuki Kobayashi. Issa frequented Yudanaka to use the hot springs and gather people together for haiku readings. He had a very special connection with Yudanaka, and was even given a house by one of the local hotel owners.
The pathway is a trail in the forest, which leads you to seven different shrines, including Issa-do and Sekai Heiwa no Kannon. It takes about 20 minutes to walk, and there are “peace bells” placed at intervals along the way. The trail is a wonderful example of how the Japanese combine nature with religion.
The pathway is a trail in the forest, which leads you to seven different shrines, including Issa-do and Sekai Heiwa no Kannon. It takes about 20 minutes to walk, and there are “peace bells” placed at intervals along the way. The trail is a wonderful example of how the Japanese combine nature with religion.
When walking the trail you will come across the bell for world peace. Donate 100 yen and ring the bell for world peace. The bell's warm, rich tone can be heard throughout Yudanaka and surrounding area.