Situated in Saitama prefecture, just an hour out of Tokyo, is Kawagoe. To reach Kawagoe from Tokyo, take a train from Ikebukuro station. Probably Kawagoe’s most famous attraction is its Warehouse district and old town area. This part of Kawagoe is brimming with charm and nostalgia of an age gone by due to its historic and beautifully preserved architecture and landmarks. This is considered the centre and heart of Kawagoe, and where you will also get a good feel for traditional atmosphere of the Edo period. That is why Kawagoe is nicknamed ’Little Edo’. This part of Kawagoe is full of amazing shops, restaurants and cafes. Here, visitors can walk around enjoying some retail therapy, the great street food on offer, rest in one of the many cosy cafes or even sample Kawagoe’s own craft beer. Many visitors like to rent kimono for the day to feel closer to the traditional atmosphere.

The old town has many distinct parts including Taisho Romen street named after the Taisho period from 1912 - 1926. It has a lot of well preserved historic architecture with shopfronts and buildings that reflect a blend of Japanese and Western influences which were fashionable during this time. The Main Street is called Kawagoe Ichibangai. The most famous part of the old town is the Kurazukuri buildings! These are old merchant storehouses and shops and have a very distinct style. These are some of the most popular buildings in all of Kawagoe, and you will find many visitors stopping to admire them and photograph them. They are especially loved by the Japanese people as they can not be seen in Tokyo anymore due to the many earthquakes and WW2 air raids that destroyed much of Tokyo. 

One of the most famous landmarks of Kawagoe is the Toki no Kane clock Bell tower. It is the symbol of Kawagoe and popular for photographs. It is 16 metres tall and was built over 400 years ago in the Edo period. However, the tower you see today is a reconstruction from the 1800’s after the great fire of Kawagoe destroyed the original. The bells will chime 4 times a day at 6,12, 3 and 6, and the tower has been designated as one of the 100 Sounscapes of Japan! Kashiya Yokocho or Candy Alley is a cute and quaint shopping street filled with traditional shops selling traditional and old style candies and sweets. It has beautiful cobbled streets, and is very popular with tourists and locals alike! you will often see many school children on trips here buying souvenirs to take home!

Want to experience the Kawagoe for yourself?