The Koka Ninja House, is an authentic ninja house built during the Edo era and the only remaining house available to the public where ninja lived. It was the residence of the Mochizuki family, a family of ninjas, and as such, contains many tricks, traps, and secret escape paths for you to explore.
Built over 300 years ago in the Koka countryside, the Ninja House offers visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in what life must have been like for a Koka Ninja. Visitors to the house can also view a collection of ninja weapons, tools, and artifacts.
Want to Experience Central Japan’s Unique Culture for Yourself?
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Of course, we also offer private tours and transport in and around the Nagoya area, and other regional destinations. Our drivers and vehicles are fully certified, allowing us to transport you to and from your preferred destinations in combination with any activity that suits your schedule. All vehicles are well-maintained and in good condition, allowing you to relax and enjoy your ride to wherever you are going.
We can arrange both private tours with an English-speaking guide or a private charter. With door-to-door service, we can pick you up from where you are and take you to where you want to go anywhere in Central Japan and the neighboring regions. For more information, please click HERE to check availability and pricing for your trip. We’d love to be part of your adventure in Central Japan and help you discover even more!