Situated in Kanagawa prefecture, just an hour out of Tokyo, is the city of Odawara. To reach Odawara from Tokyo, take a train from Shinjuku station for either 80 minutes or 100 minutes depending on the service you choose . The city has the nickname ’Castle Town’ and it is clear to see why! Odawara is home to a famous Japanese castle with a rich history and traditional architecture. However, with it also being situated next to the sea, Odawara is also well known for its fishing harbour and Hayakawa Port!

Hayakawa Port and fishing harbour is often likened to a mini ’Tsukiji Market’, and it makes for a great stop off on a trip to Odawara! The main benefit of visiting Hayakawa is that it is less busy than Tsukiji and is also an active harbour meaning not only can you enjoy browsing the local stalls and eat fresh seafood, but you can also feel the bustling atmosphere as local fishermen work! It provides you with a great sense of local life here in Odawara. The port is also famous for its lighthouse which is designed like a large ’Chochin’ or Japanese lantern. Odawara is famous for its local crafts with Chochin being one of the most famous items it produces, so you can appreciate the nod to this heritage when seeing the lighthouse!

We highly recommend spending your lunch break here to enjoy the freshly caught and prepared fish and seafood. There are some great restaurants to choose from in the area all set within traditional style buildings adding to the atmosphere of the area. There is also the market where you can buy souvenirs and local specialities! To reach Hayakawa you can either walk for approximately 30 minutes from Odawara station, or get the local train from Odawara station to Hayakawa station for 3 minutes.

Want to experience the Odawara City and Hayakawa Port for yourself?