Nestled within the serene grounds of Nanzen-ji Temple, the Suirokaku Aqueduct is an unexpected architectural marvel in Kyoto. This red-brick aqueduct, completed in 1890 during the Meiji Era, is part of the Lake Biwa Canal system, which was built to transport water and goods between Kyoto and Shiga Prefecture. Its unique design blends Western engineering techniques with Japanese aesthetics, making it a striking contrast to the traditional wooden structures of the Nanzen-ji complex.

Discover one of Kyoto’s more unexpected attractions, the brick aqueduct is one of the city’s most photogenic landmarks, especially in October and November when framed by the autumn leaves.

Tours of the Suirokaku Aqueduct

Explore the cultural richness of Kyoto with a visit to Nanzenji, Ginkakuji, and a bamboo basket weaving experience. Start at Nanzenji, a grand Zen Buddhist temple known for its impressive Sanmon gate and beautiful rock gardens. Continue to Ginkakuji, the Silver Pavilion, where you can admire the elegant simplicity of its architecture and stroll through its exquisite moss garden. Finally, immerse yourself in a traditional bamboo basket weaving experience, where a skilled craftsman will guide you in creating your own beautiful and functional bamboo art, providing a hands-on connection to Japan’s artisanal heritage.

Booking is as easy as clicking the link above and selecting your preferred date! If you would prefer, a private tour can also be arranged - please click the 'Inquiry' button below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!