Located in Minato City in Roppongi, and designed by renowned architect Kurokawa Kisho, The National Art Center Tokyo (NACT) is one of the largest exhibition spaces in Japan. Rather surprisingly however, given the size of the museum, NACT does not hold a permanent collection but is instead an ‘empty museum’, utilised by other organisations that arrange and curate their own exhibitions.

As such, it is best to refer to the museum’s official website to confirm their current and upcoming exhibitions and events. NACT houses twelve galleries across 14,000m² of exhibition space allowing it to host large events that will appeal to a broad range of visitors.


NACT also promotes educational programs and initiatives that engage the community in the arts scene while the museum’s Art Library can be accessed by the public and serves to further educate and inspire people of all ages and backgrounds.

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Why not join our ’Tokyo Highlights Tour : Sumo, Sushi, Tea, Temples and Tokyo Tower’ tour. Available throughout the year when the Sumo Training is scheduled, this is the perfect tour to tick off some of the most iconic and famous attractions in the city. Tokyo Tower is located in the heart of Minato and Roppongi. All tours are led by locally-based guides and will take you around the must-see sights in the region, as well as some lesser known gems. Our tours are fun, interactive and family-friendly. For more information, or to book a tour, click on the banner.