Established by the Meiji government in 1872, the mill embodies the push to modernize Japan and compete with developed Western economies. The factory was designed as a model factory by the Japanese government and encapsulates a fascinating period of the country’s history as it opened-up to the outside world and modernization – early steps on the bath to becoming the country it is today.
Today the mill remains almost as it was built, in excellent condition and as such, was afforded World Heritage status in 2014. The Tomioka Silk Mill is comprised of multiple buildings that have been preserved to retain as much of this historical character and accuracy as possible.
The Tomioka Silk Mill is open daily (other than Dec.29-31) from 09:00 to 17:00. Admission is JPY1000 with English audio guides available for JPY200. Guided tours can also be joined for JPY200 but are only available in Japanese.