The small hot spring town of Nikko-Yumoto Onsen, often just called Yumoto Onsen, lies around 30km / 60 minutes drive from the World Heritage-listed Nikko shrine and temple complex. It is part of the wider Oku-Nikko area; an area that boasts many beautiful outdoor destinations and some lovely hot springs. While Yumoto is small, it offers a collection of good accommodation at reasonable pricing, best-suited to visitors looking to go a little more secluded on their visit to Nikko or those intending to hike up Mount Nikko-Shirane.

In this area you’ll find mostly small hotels and guesthouses, each with their own hot springs. The area is typically frequented by guests intending to take in some of the many nearby natural attractions and then retire to the comfort of their accommodation at night. For that reason there is little in the way of outside dining or other entertainment at night. If you choose to stay in Nikko-Yumoto Onsen, make sure to include meals in your package. For more information about what’s on offer in the area, see our ’20 Things to Do Around Nikko & Where to Stay’ page.