Ozu is a quaint city located in western Shikoku, known of its castle, picturesque old town and Garyu Sanso Villa. The overall city retains much of historical character with paved roads and alleys fronted by Edo and Meiji Period buildings, making the quiet town pleasant to wander and explore for a morning or afternoon. The old town can be accessed in around 20 minutes walk from Iyo-Ozu Station, while Garyu Sanso - pictured below - is around 30 minutes walk from the station.


If you wish to stay there, there are a couple of basic hotels / guesthouses within a couple of minutes walk of Iyo-Ozu Station. Around 5 minutes drive from the station, over the Hijikawa River, you’ll also find the high-end Nipponia Hotel. Located nearby both the castle and Garyu Sanso – with some rooms looking directly onto the castle – it is without question, the most appealing accommodation in the area.
