นากาโนะ ญี่ปุ่น


*Required Fields

Charter Service*

*Please select this field if your destination is not included above or wish to customize your route. Please explain your preferred itinerary below.

Travel Date*
Please select from the calendar or enter the date in the following format: Jan-01-2000.
Pick-up Time*hour :minute
Pick-up Location*Please give us your pick-up details (hotel name & address, airport terminals, etc.)
Drop-off Location*Please give us your drop-off details (hotel name & address, airport terminals, etc.)
Preferred Vehicle Type 12 pax (or 8 pax with luggage)

21 pax (or 14 pax with luggage)

27 pax with luggage

45 pax with luggage


Customer Info*
Contact Name*
Contact Email*
Verify Email Address*
Telephone Number*
No. of Passengers*
No. of Suitcases
No. of Skis/Snowboards
Baby SeatsAvailable for infants from age 0 -2
Additional Information/Requestsi.e. added visit to the Snow Monkey Park or other attractions on the way to your destination, flight number and arrival time.
Terms & Conditions

Chapter 1 General Provisions

(Scope of Application)
Article 1
1. Operations by the Company prescribed in the Transportation Contract based on the Passenger Vehicle Transportation Business Law (excluding cases carrying out passenger transportation with permission of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism), shall be prescribed in the Terms & Conditions of Transportation. Matters not brought up in these Terms and Conditions will be handled according to stipulated laws and regulations, or by general practice.
2. In the case of special conditions written in the Transportation Contract, notwithstanding the prescriptions of this article, the special provisions will be seen as appropriate as long as these are within the scope as to not contravene with the Terms and Conditions of Transportation, the stipulated laws and regulations, and general practice.

(Instruction by the attendant)
Article 2
1. In order to maintain safety assurance and order, passengers will abide to instructions
given by the Company's drivers, conductors, and other personnel.
2. If instructions stated in the preceding paragraph are needed, the Company reserves the
right to appoint a representative from amongst the Passengers in the Carrier.

Chapter 2 Acceptance of transportation and transportation tickets

(Offers of transportation)
Article 3
The Company reserves the right to accept orders of transportation, except in case of rejection or restrictions of offers or continuance of transportation as seen in the provisions below.

(Rejection of offer and continuation of transportation)
Article 4
If any of the below is applicable, the Company reserves the right to reject or restrict offers or continuation of transportation.
1. When the Carrier request is not according to the stated Transportation Terms & Conditions
2. When the Carrier is not suitably equipped
3. When requests placed by the Applicant are such that a special burden is placed upon the Carrier
4. When the Carrier service is contrary to the regulations of the law or public order and accepted principles of morality.
5. In existence of unavoidable circumstances like i.e. natural disasters that would interfere with the Carrier service.
6. In the event that the passenger does not follow the procedures based on the rules of the Passenger Vehicle Transportation Business Law
7. In the event the passenger has goods that are prohibited to carry according to the rules of the Passenger Vehicle Transportation Business Law.
8. Carrier reserves the right to refuse to transport a person or persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or whose conduct is such to make him/her objectionable to other passengers.
9. When a child is not accompanied by a guardian or custodian.
10. In the event that the passenger is a critically ill person without any escort.
11. In the event that the passenger is a patient (and person who is regarded as a patient) of Class I infection, Class II infection, novel influenza, or designated infection (only one that requires admission to hospital), or a patient with suspected new infection, classified by
the laws regarding medical treatment for patients of infection prevention or infectious diseases.

(Formation of Transportation Contract)
Article 6
1. If the Company receives a Transportation request in accordance to paragraph 1 of preceding Article, the Contractee will be requested payment of fares and charges according to paragraph 1 of Article 13
2. According to the stipulations of paragraph 1 of Article 13, when payment of predetermined fares and charges is over 20% of the total, the Company will issue a predetermined Voucher (hereafter Voucher) to the Contractee, with matters listed being each item of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article together with matters of tariffs and
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of preceding paragraph 2, in case of agreed-upon special provisions in regards to payment term for fares and charges, these special provisions will be issued in the Voucher to the Contractee.
4. The Transportation Contract will be finalized upon issuance of the Voucher to the Contractee.

(Changes etc. in regards to the Transportation Contract)
Article 7
1. Upon finalization of the Transportation Contract, if the Contractee wants to change the matters listed in each paragraph of Article 5, approval must be requested of the Company in writing beforehand. However, in case of emergency or approval by the Company, a written request is not required.
2. When, in case of the preceding paragraph, there are significant differences, etc. between the requested changes and the agreed-upon contract which could lead to operational difficulties, the Company reserves the right to refuse.
3. If the Company is unable to fulfil the contractual transportation due to unavoidable circumstances such as vehicle breakage, etc., the Transportation Contract will be nullified, or, with approval of the Contractee, the contents of the Transportation Contract will be altered.
4. In the case of change in the content of the Transportation Contract according to paragraph 1 or preceding paragraphs, the Company will make corrections to the changed paragraphs of the Voucher or rewrite the Voucher and issue this to the Contractee.
5. If, in case of paragraph 1, the Company will correct the content of the Transportation Contract via electromagnetic means, the need for written submission as stipulated under paragraph 1 will be substituted by submission via electromagnetic means as held by the Company. In this case, the Contractee shall regard this electromagnetic way of contacting as requesting permission via written means.

(Possession of Voucher, etc.)
Article 8
1. Passengers cannot board the Carrier when not in possession of the Voucher. However, if the Company stipulates otherwise, this stipulation is not applicable.
2. In order for the Company's attendant to check the contents and validity of the Ticket, the Passenger shall provide the Ticket when asked.
3. As stipulated under Article 12 paragraph 1, Passengers who have received a fare discount must be in possession of documents that proof they are recipients of said discount. When asked for presentation of those documents by attendant of the Company, the passenger is obliged to comply.

(Reissuance of the Ticket)
Article 9
When the Contractee or Passenger has lost, or the Voucher issued to the Contractee has gone missing due to unforeseeable circumstances, etc., the Voucher can be reissued up to one day before departure upon request of the Contractee. Under these circumstances, the loss or destruction of the original Voucher will be made clear on the reissued Voucher.

(Ticket Invalidity)
Article 10
Vouchers falling under any of the following matters will be held as invalid.
1. When unlawfully used
2. When obtained by improper means
3. When related to cancellation or Contract dissolvent
4. When Voucher is rewritten or reissued

Chapter 3 Fares and Charges

(Fares and charges)
Article 11

1. The fares and charges received by the Company are set up and implemented by the Director of the District Transport Bureau and in regards to departure time.
2. The fares and charges set forth by the preceding paragraph shall announced by relevant sales offices, etc.

(Payment timing for fares and charges)
Article 13
1. The Company, upon receiving a transportation request by the Contractee, shall request that up to or more than 20% of the determined fares and charges shall be paid. One day before departure of the Carrier, the remainder of the determined fares and charges are required to be paid.
2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Company may make special regulations concerning the payment timing for fares and charges in case of the following:
1. Public office
2. Schools prescribed in Article 1 of the School Education Act
3. Operations done according to facilities prescribed in Article 7 of the Child Welfare Law, facilities prescribed in Article 5 of Act for the welfare of Persons with Physical Disabilities, Supplementary Article paragraph 41 of Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act. As provided in the preceding paragraph, operations can be done according to preceding example from the same prescribed facilities and according to
Additional Law Article 58 Paragraph 1.
4. Those in continuous dealings with the Company

(Expenses in regards to transportation)
Article 14
All fees concerning the Carrier, like guide fees, toll roads, transportation fees, parking fees, overnight accommodation fees for attendants, etc., shall be carried by the Contractee.

Chapter 4 Special Terms

(Fees in regards to breach of contract)
Article 15
1. When the Contractee breaches the contract on their own agenda, the Company shall appoint one of the below cancellation fees as suited to the timing of cancellation.
●Cancellation from 14 to 8 days before the date of dispatch: The amount equivalent to 20% of the prescribed fare and fee
●Cancellation from 7 days to 24 hours before the date of dispatch: The amount equivalent to 30% of the prescribed fare and fee
● Cancellation within 24 hours before the time of dispatch: The amount equivalent to 50% of the prescribed fare and fee
2. If the Contractee changes the Transportation Contract on his/her own agenda as such that more than 20% is reduced of the number of vehicles meant to be dispatched in the initial contract, the Company will charge a cancellation fee calculated according to the preceding paragraph for the reduced number of vehicles.
3. In the case of the preceding 2 paragraphs, as prescribed in Article 13, the Company may detract cancellation fees from the fares and charges received from the Contractee.
4. If the Company dissolves the Transportation Contract on its own agenda, or reduces the number of vehicles to be dispatched which changes the Transportation Contract, the Company shall allot the Contractee cancellation fees according to paragraph 1 or 2.
5. The stipulations of the preceding 4 paragraphs are ruled as inapplicable in cases of unavoidable circumstances such as natural disasters, etc.

(In case the Passenger does not board the bus on the right date/time)
Article 16
1. If the Passenger is over 30 minutes late and has not shown up on the date and time of departure at the determined vehicle as written on the Voucher, and if the Passenger has not given notice of this lateness, the Transportation service as written in the Transportation Contract is seen as completed.
2. The preceding paragraph is not applicable in case of unavoidable circumstances such as natural disasters, etc.

(Rejection of continuation of transportation)
Article 17
Under the provisions of all paragraphs of Article 4 (excluding paragraph 5), at refusal of continuing transportation, the Passenger can consider all services stated in the Transportation Contract as finished.

(Measures in regards to abnormal weather conditions, etc.)
Article 18
If safe transportation is threatened due to reasons such as natural disasters, measures such as alteration of the transport schedule, temporarily putting the Carrier on standby, or cancellation of transport, etc.

(Payoff of fares and charges)
Article 19
1. If there is a change in fares and charges of the Carrier due to reasons such as changes in the transport schedule, etc., the Company shall promptly settle the fares and charges and, based on those results, take measures such as requesting additional payment, or refunding.
2. If, in case of defect of the Carrier, etc. attributable to the Company, the Company has to halt the transportation service, transportation fares and charges will be refunded under the below circumstances.
1. In case of not reaching not even one destination: refund of the total amount received before
2. In cases other that 2.1: The price of the section that was cancelled will be refunded from charges and fares.
3. In the case of preceding paragraph, if the Company shoulders the burden of continuance of prospective transportation, or in the event of providing a suitable alternative, the preceding paragraph is not applicable.

Chapter 5 Responsibility

(Responsibility in regards to the Passenger)
Article 20
1. The Company shall be responsible for compensating damages arising at the operation of the Carrier which results in the event of fatalities or damages of the passenger. However, the above is not applicable if there is proof that the Company and its Attendant paid due attention, or the Passenger or a third party other than the Company's attendant is shown to be involved with intentional acts or acts of gross negligence, in combination with no malfunctions or defects to the vehicle.
2. In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, responsibility of the Company to the Passenger is limited to cases where the damage occurred in the Carrier or while the Passenger was on board.

Article 21 In addition to the provisions of the previous Article, the Company will bear the responsibility of compensation for damages received by the passenger. However, if the Company and its attendant is proven to have put in the due care and attention, the above is not applicable.

Article 22
If there are natural disasters, etc. which cannot be controlled by the Company, measures such as temporarily stopping the Carrier will be taken to ensure the safety of passengers. In these unavoidable circumstances, the Company will not bear the responsibility of compensation for damages received by the passenger.

(Liability of the Passenger)
Article 23
In the case of harmful intention or negligence on the side of the Passenger, or if the customers is acting unlawfully or not abiding to the rules of the Transportation Contract, and the Company receives damages, the Company will seek compensation for damages from the passenger.

Chapter 6 Travel Agencies

(Relationship with Travel Agencies)
Article 24
If there is a request for transportation of Passengers from Travel Agencies, the relationship between Travel Agency and Passenger or Contractee is required to be divided into one of the two below categories:
1. Planned trip 2. Travel arrangement

(In case of Planned Trip)
Article 25
If the Travel Agency will book the Company’s transportation as part of a planned trip, the Transportation Contract will be made with the Travel Agency and the Travel Agency will be contractually liable as the Contractee.

(In the case of Travel Arrangement)
Article 26
In the case of Travel Arrangement by the Travel Agency, and the Passenger asked the Travel Agent to arrange for transportation, the Transportation Contract will be with the Passenger who inquired for transportation. In this case the Travel Agency is regarded as the deputy of the Passenger, the Travel Agency is required to provide testimony of him/her being the deputy.
