
达摩娃娃的历史可以追溯到 17 世纪的群马县高崎市。达摩娃娃的灵感来自达摩传奇的冥想,据说在冥想期间他失去了手臂和腿,达摩娃娃的圆形、无肢的形状反映了他不屈的奉献精神。这些娃娃最初是由农民制作的,作为丰收的护身符,后来广泛流行,并逐渐发展成为个人毅力和成功的象征。

在日本传统中,达磨娃娃代表着对目标和梦想的追求。它们通常在出售时双眼茫然,当主人许愿或设定目标时,仪式就开始了,在一只眼睛上画画作为承诺的象征。一旦目标实现,另一只眼睛就会被画上以表示实现。这种做法体现了“Nanakorobi yaoki”的精神,这是一句日本谚语,意思是“跌倒七次,站起来八次”。

While Daruma dolls can be found in many places in Japan, at Katsuo-ji Temple in Osaka, the Daruma takes on a unique spiritual role. Known as the “Temple of Victory,” Katsuo-ji attracts visitors who seek success in their personal or professional lives. Here, pilgrims purchase Daruma dolls, make their wishes, and leave fulfilled dolls at the temple as offerings of gratitude. These dolls, scattered throughout the temple grounds, create a vibrant and inspiring atmosphere for all who visit.

If you're seeking a tranquil escape from Osaka’s bustling cityscape and a chance to connect with its natural and spiritual charm, this tour is the perfect choice. Begin your journey at the enchanting Daruma Temple (Katsuo-ji), a haven of peace and history nestled in the lush hills of Minoh City. Known as the “Temple of Victory,” it’s famous for its vibrant daruma dolls, which symbolize perseverance and good fortune. Stroll through the serene temple grounds, discover hidden shrines, and marvel at the seasonal beauty that surrounds this spiritual retreat.

这次旅行展示了大阪很少有游客体验过的一面 — 充满宁静的风景、文化宝藏和冒险的感觉。加入我们,体验难忘的旅程,感受大阪的自然美景和宁静的精神。
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