Situated in Saitama prefecture, just an hour out of Tokyo, is Kawagoe Castle. To reach Kawagoe from Tokyo, take a train from Ikebukuro station. When many people think of castles in Japan, they think of the multi story towering structures. However, Kawagoe Castle Honmaru Palace was designed as a flat land castle, and what you see today are some of the only surviving buildings of the castle. It was originally built in 1457, and was used as the Lord of Kawagoe’s residence and offices. In 1545, there was a large battle, known as the Siege of Kawagoe Castle which involved two rival family Samurai clans, the Hojo and the Uesegi. They had been fighting for decades over the land of Kawagoe, and in 1545, the Hojo clan won victory and took charge of the castle.
1603 年江户时代开始时,德川家康任命自己忠诚的臣民为川越藩主,以保护川越,因为川越已成为日本非常重要的贸易城市。还决定将其作为东京以北的战略防御点。在江户时代,有21位不同的领主统治着川越,并居住在这座城堡里。 1603 - 1868 年。到 1870 年明治时期开始,城堡开始拆除,部分城堡被搬迁到附近城市的其他地方。
今天您在川越所看到的这座城堡是在江户时代结束前不久的 1848 年修建的。游客可以在宽敞的榻榻米房间和美丽的花园中欣赏城堡的美景,尤其是在秋季和春季。游客还可以在城内看到描绘川越藩主与幕僚商议大事的模型。1967 年,该城堡被指定为日本有形文化遗产。对于任何对武士历史和日本传统建筑感兴趣的人来说,川越城都是您川越之旅的必游之地!