A stop on Limited Express Shinano services running between Nagano, Matsumoto and Nagoya, the historic town of Kiso-Fukushima is your gateway to the beautiful Kiso Valley and sacred Ontake Mountain Range. Though Kiso-Fukushima doesn’t match nearby Narai, Magome and Tsumago in the state of its historic preservation it boasts a greater number and variety of accommodation - including both traditioanl Japanese guesthouses and Western-style hotels - along with dining options including both Japanese and international cuisine.




From Kiso-Fukushima it is easy to explore everything on offer in the Kiso Valley and Kiso Ontake Mountain Range including walking the historic Nakasendo Trail includings its famous 'shukubamachi' towns, Mount Ontake including the Ontake Ropeway and 'Ontake Kodo' (pilgramge trails), Otaki Forest Railway along with its numerous forest trails, ravines and waterfalls.




Regular train services - including both limited express and local services - and local bus lines operate from the station, making it the most convenient point to explore the region.




Located directly across from Kiso-Fukushima Station, the town's Tourist Information Office has everything you need to get you going with tours and local bus services operating from that point - for tips and suggestions of what to do while in the area, see our '25 Things to Do in the Kiso Valley & Nakasendo' page.



长野和松本一日游:体验松本城和奈良井宿 / 全年





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